
Hi, my name is Stephan Teodosescu and you have stumbled upon my newsletter about nothing…but probably mostly about sports and data.

Through this outlet I aim to bring readers compelling data-driven analyses of topics ranging from sports analytics to airline travel, while also mixing in data visualization tutorials and personal experience pieces on my journey to visit as many sporting events as humanly possible.

I primarily work in R and regularly link to the code on my Github page.

And yes, the tagline is an ode to Seinfeld, the greatest show in television history.

If you want to get in touch follow me on Twitter @steodosescu or visit my personal website.

*All opinions and views expressed on this blog are my own and do not represent my employer. Duh.

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A blog about nothing. But probably mostly about sports and data.


An analytics professional (read: Data Nerd) with a background rooted at the intersection of engineering, science, and finance. I dabble in analyzing data and writing about it -- usually sports related.